Tsaghkevank, Mughni, Hovhannavank, Saghmosavank

main.Start time | main.End time: 09:00 | 17:00
main.Duration:main.full day
main.Type of tour :Cognitive
main.Group size:12+
main.Language :Armenian, English, Russian
main.Start | main.End point: 1a Sayat-Nova Ave, Yerevan 0001, Armenia | 1a Sayat-Nova Ave, Yerevan 0001, Armenia
This time we will go to Aragatsotn region, where we will discover some of the historical and cultural monuments of the region. First we will visit Tsaghkevank rock cave, which is considered to be one of the most visited places of pilgrimage in Armenia. The water dripping from the ceiling and walls of the cave is called “Holy Water” by the locals due to its healing properties. Our next stop will be Mughni St. George Church, after which we will visit Hovhannavank, then Saghmosavank. The magnificent monastic complexes are located right on the edge of the cliff, from where you can admire the magnificent views of the Kasakh Gorge. P.S. The total length of the walk to Tsaghkevank is about 5,5 km. Participants are advised to wear sneakers, comfortable clothing, a protective cap, and food and water for the day.